University of Arkansas announces grants for student research

University of Arkansas announces grants for student research
University of Arkansas announces grants for student research | Courtesy of Shutterstock
University of Arkansas' Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences recently awarded grants for student research projects through its Undergraduate Creative Projects/Research Grands Program.

Students applied for the funding by submitting proposals to Bumpers College, where it was reviewed by faculty serving on the honors program committee.

Rachel Browder, who is studying food science, won a $750 award for a project entitled "Nutraceutical Healthy Snacks Prepared from Sprouted Rough Rice and Green Gram and its Physicochemical Properties, Glycemic Index, and Sensory Attributes," which will examine healthy snacks made from rice.

Environmental, soil and water science student Grace Klausen received $500 in funding for "Determining Feasibility of Self-Sustaining and Supplemented Composting Management Plans at the Fayetteville Botanical Garden of the Ozarks," a study that will examine a composting plan for the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks.

Finally, Zachary Tipton, who is studying crop science, will apply his $500 grant to a project studying soil composition at the Woolsey Wet Prairie Sanctuary, entitled "Soil Organic Carbon and Mineralization Rates at the Woolsey Wet Prairie Mitigation Project in Fayetteville, Arkansas."

The funding will cover a one-year term, ending on Dec. 1, 2017, at the conclusion of which the students will provide a summary of their project and their use of the funding.