Longtime supporters fund Texas college scholarships

Waldo Moeller was part of five generations of families to attend Blinn College in Brenham, Texas, and his family recently showed its continuing support by funding five scholarships to the school through the  Waldo E. Moeller Foundation.
The $98,610 endowment will be split among academic and technical students.
“The Waldo E. Moeller Foundation was established by the will of my father,” foundation trustee and Moeller’s daughter Diane Pieper said. “Because my father’s career success was in the electrical trade, and he was a great supporter of the A.W. Hodde, Jr., Technical Education Center, the donation will be split between academic and workforce scholarships.”
Moeller graduated from Blinn College after WWII and founded the Waldo Moeller Electric company in 1951. He also served on the Hodde Center advisory board until his death in 2012.
The business, now known as the Moeller Electric Company, is still family run by Diane and her husband, Looyd Pieper.
Walt Schoenvogel, the Blinn Foundation board chair, said the scholarships are meant to allow students to focus on education rather than worrying about finances.
"“We hope that this generosity will inspire others to give back to the community by giving the gift of an affordable education,” he said.
Moeller Foundation sholarship applications are due by March 31.