Lamar’s Utter publishes book on gun rights and control

Glenn Utter's book looks at gun rights and gun control in contemporary society.
Glenn Utter's book looks at gun rights and gun control in contemporary society. | File photo

Glenn Utter, a distinguished professor emeritus at Lamar University, recently Guns and Contemporary Society: The Past, Present, and Future of Firearms and Firearm Policy, a book urging readers to give gun rights and gun control critical thought.

The book takes a look at multiple approaches to guns, which contains constitutional and legal matters, public health and criminal justice concerns, and viewpoints on individual safety and self-defense. Throughout the course of the 861-page compilation, experts give their opinions on firearms in America, with topics such as gun control, gun rights, militia movements, shootings in schools, and the rising trend of gun ownership among women.

The book includes entries from a variety of authors from different backgrounds who share their opinions and perspectives about the pros and cons of owning firearms, as well as constitutional rights, guns in regard to being an instrument of self-defense, the guarantee of political freedoms and how guns factor in to major crime and personal injury.

The three volumes of the book look at a history of firearms, legislation and policy, public opinion, ownership trends, laws and self-defense and debates about concealed carry and terrorism.