The University of New Orleans has been included in the estate plans of alumni Anthony and Annette Centanni.
Anthony Centanni, who received his degree in accounting, said a starting point for his career was the assistance of Founding Dean of the College of Business Administration, John Altazan. With Altazan’s recommendation, Centanni was able to secure a position with a public accounting firm that led to working with the Ocean Drilling and Exploration Co.
Annette Centanni served as an elementary school teacher and earned her master’s in elementary education from UNO in 1971. She attributes the experiences at UNO as the foundation that allowed her to pursue the education field.
“We love UNO and we’ve always been so grateful for our education here,” Annette Centanni said. “It’s so much a part of our success.”
The Centannis have become a part of UNO’s Legacy Society, a group that recognizes alumni who have granted a gift to the university as a part of their respective estates. The university states that it has recognized 26 alumni.