Boise State college named signatory of UN program

The students, faculty and staff of Boise State’s COBE will now have access to communities of vibrant local and worldwide learning.
The students, faculty and staff of Boise State’s COBE will now have access to communities of vibrant local and worldwide learning. | File photo

Boise State University’s College of Business and Economics (COBE) was recently named a United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) signatory.

UNPRME’s stated mission is to encourage and support responsible management education, research and thought leadership on a worldwide scale. With the newly assigned signatory status, the students, faculty and staff of Boise State’s COBE will now have access to communities of vibrant local and worldwide learning.

“We believe in role modeling responsible business practices by joining UNPRME,” COBE Dean Ken Petersen said. “High-performing companies like Boise-based Jitasa are signatories to the U.N. Global Compact and the college equivalent standard is UNPRME. We hope we are the first of many Idaho colleges to demonstrate this commitment to integrating economic, social and environmental impacts into the heart of our business aspirations and strategies.”

UNPRME will support the COBE’s dedication to responsible business, which includes the Wells Fargo-sponsored Responsible Business Initiative. The COBE also integrated six principles from UNPRME into its 2015 Sustainability Report to prepare itself to become a signatory of UNPRME.